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Dentology Podcast with Ashley Latter


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Transcript – Dentology Podcast with Ashley Latter

Episode Release Date – Monday 19th February 2024

Andy & Chris (00:00.93)
So yet another one, here we go. There we do, a Dentology podcast. And this week we’ve got an absolute legend of the profession. A legend. Absolute legend of the profession. Today we have Ashley Latter joining us. And Ashley is very well known, but just for those that don’t know Ashley. Ashley is a business trainer. His ethical sales and communication program has had 36 and a half thousand delegates already. That’s not bad, is it? Quite remarkable. And he’s an author of multiple books for dentists and their team. Hello Ashley, how are you doing?

Ashley Latter (00:30.036)
And very well thank you yourself.

Andy & Chris (00:31.562)
Yeah, we’re very good. We’re doing very well, thank you. Yes, yes. So, well, we need to go back 25 years to when two dentists took part in your two-day ethical sales and communication program. But can we just go back a little bit further, even before when you started in dentistry, what was your own background? What was your childhood? Where were you brought up?

Ashley Latter (00:51.054)
So I brought up in North Manchester where I’ve lived here all my life. Was first went to school got managed to scrape three O levels. If you remember what those are went to Berry College. Yeah. Yeah, GCSE. Yeah, I went to Berry College and did some.

Andy & Chris (01:09.66)
We all do, we all remember our own evils, we have that age. For those listening, that’s GCSEs.

Ashley Latter (01:21.178)
course on business studies. I really liked the business side and my first job was working for, I don’t know if they still go nowadays, but do you remember some insurance brokers called Swinton Insurance Brokers in Salford? So I used to walk four miles to walk back, four miles there, four miles back to save on the bus fare.

Andy & Chris (01:25.07)

Andy & Chris (01:35.152)
Oh, yeah, TV, yeah.

Ashley Latter (01:50.194)
But yeah, so that’s my first selling job selling car insurance and house insurance, that type of thing. And then I worked for a finance company for seven years. And after that, I joined the very world famous Dale Carnegie Training Organization. So this was 32 years ago, 1992 or 1993 I think I joined Carnegie.

Andy & Chris (02:07.838)
Mmm, yeah.

Ashley Latter (02:19.942)
And predominantly was, I did a Del Carnegie course, loved it, came back, helped out as a leader, as a, made the tees, did everything I needed to do. And I eventually joined the Carnegie organization here in Manchester selling the training courses. So I used to do that. My area at the time was Trafford Park and Salford and Salford Keys, that was my area. And I did that for nine years and I delivered.

Andy & Chris (02:38.059)
Ah, okay.

Andy & Chris (02:45.386)

Ashley Latter (02:50.23)
training courses for Carnegie so I delivered the sales training course, the leadership course, the confidence course, different programs and that was it so that’s my background really.

Andy & Chris (02:59.914)
Wow. And as a guy from Manchester, I know you were you were red. So you support Manchester United as I do. Chris supports Arsenal. We were talking before we started recording about our various seasons and how they go. But to bring it back to football and what you were just talking about with Dale Carnegie, there’s obviously leadership problems in the football club at the moment. I’m always fascinated between business and sport from that point of view. How do you see that in terms of how?

leadership in the business translates to the front line and in football that’s kind of on the pitch but if the leadership isn’t right I guess in a dental practice context it just falls apart that there’s no chance of it working well. Is that your experience?

Ashley Latter (03:38.51)

Ashley Latter (03:42.338)
Yeah, I mean, it’s really been interesting. Obviously, my team aren’t doing that great at the moment. Well, they haven’t done well for 10 years or so. But if you look back, you know, and I’ve been listening a lot to what Gary Neville has been saying on his podcast. And I think a lot of what he says is true, really. You know, the leadership at the very, I mean, if you look back at the

Andy & Chris (04:01.557)

Ashley Latter (04:12.13)
The Ferguson years, he was a brilliant leader. And if you speak to the players, they all admired Ferguson. They had a lot of time for him. He was an inspirational leader. The small things that he did, remembering birthdays, remembering people’s names, and all these small things that he did. But at the time, if you look at Ferguson, he’ll always say that.

David Gill, who was the chairman of United or the chief executive of United, was also a big factor in that and the working partnership they have. And if you look at the club to now, there’s no leadership anywhere really. The leadership is non-existent at the top. You’ve got two guys in the States who just treat it as a… it’s just a toy for them, isn’t it? It’s just a money pit for them and they’ve got no love or care for the team or club. You know, the whole…

Andy & Chris (04:44.462)

Andy & Chris (04:53.443)

Andy & Chris (04:58.975)

Andy & Chris (05:04.565)

Ashley Latter (05:10.51)
visit Old Trafford nowadays, it is falling down. It’s so far behind most other clubs nowadays. And then there’s very little leadership actually in the club, although hopefully this Jim Radcliffe’s supposed to be taking some part ownership and making some, hopefully he’ll be someone in charge of the club. But, you know, and I feel sorry for Ten Hag really. He’s trying to put discipline or trying to lead the team. And I think he’s finding it hard to change.

culture that’s been there nearly 10-12 years so yeah it is it is it is hard and then and you know leadership is so important it’s such an important skill to have and you know and it and it you know if you think about it you know I always say to you know clients you know think about your team it’s Sunday night eight o’clock are they excited about coming to work on Monday or they

Andy & Chris (05:41.047)

Andy & Chris (05:45.61)

Andy & Chris (06:08.758)

Ashley Latter (06:09.282)
And a lot of it is down to your leadership. And it’s the same with the dentist and the same with the dentist and the surgery. They’ve got one person they’re close to, it’s the nurse. They’ve got a seven, eight hour relationship. Are they excited about coming to work on Sunday night or are they dreading it? So yeah, it’s absolutely paramount, isn’t it?

Andy & Chris (06:12.863)
the environment you create, isn’t it?

Andy & Chris (06:25.581)

Andy & Chris (06:30.837)

That culture thing is so important, isn’t it? It’s, you know, as you said, whether it’s a footballing culture or a dental practice culture or any business culture, but it’s really hard to change. Absolutely. And through your program, Ashley, you’ve kind of influenced 36 and a half thousand people. That is nuts across 16 different countries. That is really going some. But where did that start from? Why did dentistry become your niche? You also did the Del Carnegie work, but how did you end up kind of starting working with the profession?

Ashley Latter (06:56.242)
Yeah, well it’s a great story and I’ll try and cut it short but two dentists took a sales training course with me and I was like why are you taking a course from me and these are dentists that clinically could do all the dentistry they were excellent dentists but what they couldn’t do was get patients on board with their ideas they couldn’t sell it well so often yeah they were

Andy & Chris (07:05.035)

Andy & Chris (07:17.622)
pretty visionary really for them to attend, wasn’t it?

Ashley Latter (07:23.13)
give patients large treatment plans to say go home and think about it. They weren’t as good at discussing fees So when they came part on this course, I was like as they left I was like intrigued You know did this helped you know tell me more what have you got from the program? And they’re both of them seem really excited and I just said do you mind if I give you a call in a few weeks? Just to see how things went and both of them said yes, and I ran them both up and believe me I was um and ah in whether to make those phone calls because

you know, I was thinking maybe they didn’t enjoy it. You know, you have two sides, don’t you? One says, oh, I can’t wait to speak to them. I bet they’ve got loads on it. But the other side of my brain was saying, I bet they didn’t get anything and it was a waste of time. And now that’s why I was umming and ahhing whether to give them a call or not. But I picked the phone up and they just told me that their treat plan acceptance, more pay, I was saying yes, the books were full, they weren’t discounting anymore. But what they both said was, you know,

Andy & Chris (07:55.338)

Andy & Chris (07:58.742)

I’m gonna go to bed.

Andy & Chris (08:06.368)

Andy & Chris (08:16.22)

Ashley Latter (08:18.09)
in an ethical manner, more patients saying, yes, we’re delivering the dentistry we’ve always wanted to do. We love doing it. And our clients are so happy having it. So, and it was really from two dentists and keeping in touch and following up with them. And I eventually, you know, they told their mates and I did a course just for dentists and I followed those dentists up as well. And that’s how really the journey started. So, what I saw was a real…

Andy & Chris (08:31.424)

Ashley Latter (08:50.459)
I always say it’s a course that every dentist should take. They don’t know they need to take it until they’re actually on the course, if that makes sense. But when they do, they get it. Say that again.

Andy & Chris (08:56.226)
Hmm. So was that late 90s then Ashley? Was that in the late 90s did you say?

Ashley Latter (09:02.798)
This was, I reckon it was about 25 years ago when Neil and Barry did the courses with me now. So, and it was really from those two and a year later, realizing that maybe I was onto something here and, you know, everywhere I could speak or got an opportunity, then I would speak and grow a database. I started writing this little newsletter every week, giving tips and stuff, you know.

Andy & Chris (09:17.864)

Andy & Chris (09:23.171)

Andy & Chris (09:29.55)

Ashley Latter (09:31.05)
and it’s just grown and grown and grown and grown. Trust me, it’s been 25 years of hard graft and I still graft, you know, still today, I still work hard today as I did all those years ago.

Andy & Chris (09:37.916)

Andy & Chris (09:44.95)
You mentioned about discussing fees and the founder of Frank Taylor and Associates, Frank Taylor, he often referred to something called cranial fiscal drag.

where dentists thought about a certain price, but what they said didn’t match that. And you covered that off kind of in a roundabout way in your book, You Are Worth It, how to discuss fees with self-confidence. Is that kind of a common trait with dentists? Is that something that lots of dentists suffer with, discussing fees? Do they feel uncomfortable with that as a topic?

Ashley Latter (10:03.754)

Ashley Latter (10:14.198)
Yeah it is and you know it’s, I think virtually every dentist I’ve ever spoken to or most dentists have spoken to have said that this has been a challenge for them one way or another and if you think about it they don’t get training at it in university because money’s a dirty word they don’t get any training in it and so yeah so they have and there’s various reasons for this.

Andy & Chris (10:26.702)

Andy & Chris (10:30.699)

Andy & Chris (10:42.123)

Ashley Latter (10:44.134)
Tend to read, you know, if the fee is 600 by the time it comes out mouth It’s 450 or 500 to reduce the fees in the head There’s various reasons why they do this but that single major reason is well two major reasons The single one is that if they if they lower the fee, they will hopefully get more yeses So that that’s the one reason and the second thing is believe it or not They are frightened of the comments that they might get from

Andy & Chris (10:49.262)

Andy & Chris (11:03.097)

Ashley Latter (11:12.398)
the general public. So maybe someone said to them, you know, two years ago, am I paying for your holiday because that’s really expensive? Well, they still remember that and it still plays on their mind or they read the newspaper and there’s a paragraph there about dentists leaving the NHS and going private or dentists, you know, the Daily Mail. You know, it’s going to happen once a year, they’re going to be on the front page of the newspaper. So they think of these…

Andy & Chris (11:22.092)

Andy & Chris (11:33.904)
Or the Daily Mail.

Ashley Latter (11:42.786)
Remember this one patient and it impacts their conversations with every other patient that they have they have discussions with and what I always say to them is it’s less than 0.001% of patients who give you this sarcastic comment and you’ve got to you know, but if you listen to that patient, that’s who you’re taking your business advice from and

Andy & Chris (11:49.187)

Andy & Chris (12:01.765)

Andy & Chris (12:08.554)
Yeah. Hmm.

Ashley Latter (12:08.922)
They’re not qualified, so don’t listen to them. Think about the 99.9% of people who pay your fees who are delighted with your services and remember those people. Yeah.

Andy & Chris (12:18.426)
I mean, it’s just one of the things to ask you. We’ve been doing this a long time as well. And have you noticed, because we’ve noticed a change in the dentists from when you started to where they are now? I know you were saying that they still have the sort of, the doubts about asking the question, but have you noticed any other changes or are they sort of the same as they were in 97 that they are in 23?

Ashley Latter (12:47.07)
I think there’s definitely some changes. I think dentists today want to do more private work than as opposed to being part of the NHS. So I think the private dentists have grown significantly now compared to when I was delivering the courses 25 years ago. I think it may be fair to say that.

quite a lot of dentists nowadays are probably a little bit more business orientated than possibly they were years ago. They see the importance of that. So I think that is a factor as well. But on the whole, I mean I work and train with dentists all over the world. I’m about to go to deliver a course in Mississippi in April. I’ve already spoke to the doctors, dentists who are on that course and they have exactly the same issues as the UK dentists.

Andy & Chris (13:42.478)

Ashley Latter (13:44.55)
I’m going in March to deliver courses in Australia and New Zealand and they have exactly the same issues as UK dentists. They are technically brilliant but can’t get patients over the line and discussing fees again is a big challenge for them.

Andy & Chris (13:49.998)

Andy & Chris (14:00.142)
It’s interesting, isn’t it? Because you sort of think the younger dentists are more financially motivated, I think would be the way that I see it, but still lack that ability to convert that desire to be financially motivated into actually a conversion of a treatment plan. Is it also to do with their comfort with setting dentistry ethically? Does the discussing fields almost fall as chapter two and chapter one is…

Ashley Latter (14:16.856)

Andy & Chris (14:27.67)
being comfortable that they are setting dangerous ethically. There’s a need to be reminded that what they’re doing is a good thing and there’s a cost associated with that.

Ashley Latter (14:35.866)
Well yeah, I mean what I always say to dentists is, let’s say, talk about certain treatments. Let’s just take implants as an example because I’m going down this afternoon to lecture to some dentists who are just finishing an implant course. But let’s just take implants as an example. And if you actually speak to dentists and their teams, they’ll say, well, you know,

Andy & Chris (14:47.796)

Ashley Latter (15:05.878)
And I always say, well, yeah, it’s a lot of money if you haven’t got the problem. If you had the problem, you’d probably find the money. But what I always say to dentists is, bring your patient back three months after treatment. Bring them back, sit them in a room, you and your nurse and your receptionist, they need to hear this as well. And ask your patient, what’s been the single major benefits? What’s been the top two or three benefits you’ve gained since having this treatment? And what…

Andy & Chris (15:14.701)
That’s a good one, I like that.

Ashley Latter (15:34.622)
impact and differences it made in your life and the patients will tell you they’ll give you stories they’ll give you examples they’ll tell you what difference it’s made everything else and if you ask them was it a good investment of both time and money they’ll always say yes it was and I wish I’d done it sooner so they are the judges that that’s who you should be listening to they are the patients that have and when I say to

Andy & Chris (15:50.679)

Ashley Latter (16:00.302)
dentists is that you actually change patients lives, your treatment does that and your patients won’t complain about the fees if you spoke to them a few months after they’ve had the treatment. So it’s a well worth exercise and they should do it and also capture it on video as well and use it for your marketing to promote future clients. Patients, they’re the ones that you need to listen to, the impact you have and you’ll find that they’re…

Andy & Chris (16:03.879)

Andy & Chris (16:11.696)

Andy & Chris (16:16.701)
Yeah. Hmm.

Andy & Chris (16:22.84)
Yeah, yeah.

Ashley Latter (16:28.866)
You know, they’re delighted that you make a difference, and two and a half thousand pounds wasn’t a lot of money.

Andy & Chris (16:31.182)
Hmm. Yeah. You were saying you kind of coach globally and you said that their issues are the same the world over. You said America and Australia and New Zealand. But are there differences? Are there things that the UK can learn that you’ve seen that other countries do better than dentists in the UK do that we could pick up some tips from?

Ashley Latter (16:55.246)
I actually think that in terms of commercially and business, I actually think that we’re actually really good at it, to be honest. Yeah, I really do. You know, it’s, you’d be surprised. I go to America and you know, their biggest issue, they want that, the biggest area where they want help with, believe it or not, is…

Andy & Chris (17:02.858)
Yeah, that’s good to hear.

Ashley Latter (17:19.858)
is selling their treatments against the insurance. So the insurance wants to pay X for crowns, they want to charge Y, so, and that’s the big impact that they want me to help them with on lots of occasions. But I actually work with some clients here, I can think of some at the top of my head and they’re coming straight into my head now, who are dynamic.

Andy & Chris (17:33.601)
That’s interesting.

Ashley Latter (17:44.214)
business people commercially brilliant at what they do. They’re very, very forward thinking. They don’t stop. You can ring them up at eight o’clock at night and they’re putting a presentation together for a referral evening they’ve got coming up. They’re making changes on their website. They’re doing things. So, you know, in a lot of ways, I think when I go abroad, I share a lot of examples of what people do here. And in a lot of cases, they’re learning a lot from what we do. So I actually think, yeah.

Andy & Chris (18:10.67)
That’s nice to hear. Mm-hmm, because you always sort of feel sometimes, don’t you, that we’re behind America. Yeah. America is like the pinnacle of dentistry, not just treatments, but almost commercialisation. Yeah. It doesn’t sound like we are. Yeah, yeah. Actually, you talked a lot about dentists, but the last book that you wrote, The Practice Manager Juggler.

is all the various things that a practice manager has to do in a practice. Lots of smaller practices still don’t have a practice manager. What’s been your experience of the changing role of the practice manager over your time in dentistry?

Ashley Latter (18:46.906)
Well, I just think they’re essential really. There’s so much bureaucracy a practice has to do now and there’s so much leading a team and everything else. And I think it’s very hard for an owner to not only just do the dentistry themselves, but actually run the practice and do all the other jobs as well. And I think it’s, if you think about what…

Andy & Chris (18:55.866)

Ashley Latter (19:16.794)
If a dentist is spending their time doing tasks that a practice manager could be doing, it’s like, why would you do that? Why would you be, it’s a £20 an hour, no disrespect, but you could earn several hundred pounds per hour selling, marketing and doing treatments. If you’re brilliant at converting patients when they come to consultations, then you’re

Andy & Chris (19:32.264)

Andy & Chris (19:38.623)

Ashley Latter (19:46.166)
you could be earning thousands of pounds per hour in your, you know, why would you spend time doing jobs that other, probably you don’t like doing anyway, but a practice manager could do even better than you. So it’s hard to do that. So.

Andy & Chris (19:49.131)

Andy & Chris (19:57.842)
Mmm. Heh, heh, heh.

I’m saying you’re probably not as good at it. No. Is that around the art of delegation?

Ashley Latter (20:06.546)
Yeah, yeah, I mean, there’s this, I always think that there’s some things I mean, paperwork and anything that’s administration. I just can’t stand doing it, the thought of having to, you know, do it when I come in, you know, but other people love doing that, you know, look, what do they say other people’s I can’t think of the expression now but

you know there’s not a cat in hell chance I would do VAT returns or anything else like that you know I put all my receipts in a box and hand it to my accountant and they’re happy as well you know they love it because they can sort it all out you know but why you know my best use of my time is preparing a presentation and delivering it doing things like this so you know I think it’s I think if you’ve got a team of people then I think having somebody that can lead that

Andy & Chris (20:31.33)
Huh! Mmm.

Andy & Chris (20:41.126)
Hmm. That’s their world.

Andy & Chris (20:47.83)

Ashley Latter (20:57.81)
you know and do the tasks. I think it’s absolutely crucial, really important. Yeah.

Andy & Chris (21:03.71)
We we said to quite a lot of people don’t mean they need to do it and they always moan about the cost of it And it’s like well now hang on a minute because you’re diluting for a start what you probably could deliver and the cost You’re recoup in you not having to do it is it’s a no-brainer really, but it’s trying to get them to see that point You you have a really good finger on the pulse of dentistry Ashley from a dental perspective. What are you worried about at the moment?

Ashley Latter (21:30.446)
What am I worried about?

Ashley Latter (21:35.294)
I think there’s going to be, I think they, I think they, you know, as much as you try not to think about it, the, I think there’s a couple of things that are important. I think what’s going on in the world at the moment isn’t great, so it’s just trying to keep a positive attitude and maintain that positivity with all the news. I mean, as much as they try and not watch the news, you can’t help.

Andy & Chris (21:51.87)

Ashley Latter (22:01.422)
but watch it, you wanna see what’s going on in the world and it doesn’t seem great. So I think that’s a factor. And I think the second thing is really, I don’t think, I think dentists have had it pretty good for the last two or three years since COVID. I think they’ve had, you know, they’ve not had to try too hard, but I am speaking to a few implant companies now. I am speaking to some brace companies and the figures are down. They are going in a different direction.

Andy & Chris (22:14.985)

Andy & Chris (22:27.414)
Hmm. Yeah. And that private bounce.

Ashley Latter (22:29.682)
what they were a couple of years ago or maybe a year ago, there’s a balance and I think there’s definitely a cost of you know you might it’s there so I think you’ve got to try and work harder. I think patients, my daughter works in a big Invisalign practice in Manchester and when a patient comes in for consultation they go into two other practices at the same time so I think people are

Andy & Chris (22:55.625)

Ashley Latter (22:57.666)
you know, we’ll continue spending money, but I think we have to all work a little bit harder to grab the pie. And I think dentists need to be a lot more proactive nowadays. They’re gonna have to be, it’s not gonna be as easy. That’s my thoughts on it, that’s what I’m thinking, and that’s what I’m speaking to other practice, you know, some of the companies about.

Andy & Chris (23:20.398)
I think that’s great insights for people because it’s something that you can do something about within your business and there’s also time to react as well. You can actually do something about that. Away from dentistry, you’ve cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats in your time. And for those that don’t know, Land’s End is a sort of southern western tip of England and John O’Groats is the northeastern tip of Scotland. It’s as far as you can travel across the mainland. Why did you do that? What was that about?

Ashley Latter (23:27.385)

Ashley Latter (23:49.242)
Do you know, about four and a half years ago, I took up cycling five years ago, and I got a massive bug with it. I loved it. Just fell in love with it straight away. And I came back from a Yorker and I was at the dental show and I just spoke to Chris and Barrow and a couple of the other guys. I said, you know, I’d love to cycle the length of the UK. And by the end of the dental show, we had five, there’s five of us, and we were all committed. And then we, I think we did it.

Andy & Chris (23:58.644)

Andy & Chris (24:11.964)

Ashley Latter (24:16.89)
I think we agreed it in, was it April or May something, we did the whole thing in September. So it was just, you know, let’s do it, why not? And we can raise a load of money for charity. But it was one of the best, it was just incredible two weeks. It really was phenomenal. I look back with such happy memories of those two weeks. It really was, it’s great. It was, I think it was 13 days in total. But yeah, it was amazing. Amazing, amazing, amazing. Really was.

Andy & Chris (24:26.466)

Andy & Chris (24:32.382)

Andy & Chris (24:36.462)
I was going to ask how long it took. Two weeks, Flip. Yeah. Wow.

Andy & Chris (24:44.994)
Hmm, which was the, which was the hardest day?

Ashley Latter (24:48.326)
The hardest day was the first day. Cornwall. Yeah. No, it was really strange for me, because I think everyone had moments when, you know, everyone had a bad day. You know, I just didn’t realise mine was day one, that was all. Because I remember going to the hotel and having a beer at night time thinking, oh my god, if that’s what it’s going to be like. I mean, it was really, really hilly on day one.

Andy & Chris (24:50.71)
Right, is that when you weren’t tenderized yet?

Andy & Chris (25:02.732)

Andy & Chris (25:06.849)
You thought it was downhill from there.

Andy & Chris (25:15.437)

Ashley Latter (25:17.61)
I think it was 77 miles the first day and I thought, oh my God, I’ve not done enough training. But what was interesting, the more you, as the days went on, it actually got easier because you got fitter. I know it sounds really strange that. We had another tough day in Scotland. The weather was really bad. If it was for eight hours, it rained and never stopped. And that was a tough day as well. It really got in your bones. So the first day in about day 10 or something like that were tough, but the rest of it was very, very enjoyable. Really was.

Andy & Chris (25:20.403)
Oh, it’s all right, mate.

Andy & Chris (25:28.856)

Andy & Chris (25:39.542)
It must chill you down, I’d imagine. But I imagine as well, if there was a team of five of you riding, you wouldn’t have all had a bad day on the same day. Hopefully. So you kind of get dragged. Yes. Yeah, that’s a nightmare. If you did not get out of the pub. So at least you get dragged along by other people. And it’s kind of a throwback into businesses and that as well, isn’t it? You’re not always going to have your team members all flying on all cylinders every day.

Ashley Latter (25:52.318)

Ashley Latter (26:00.056)

Andy & Chris (26:06.358)
but if you can pull the others along when they need it, that’s a good thing to do.

Ashley Latter (26:06.411)

Ashley Latter (26:09.783)

Andy & Chris (26:11.914)
Actually, we never let our guests go without asking two questions at the end. So the first question we have for you is, if you could be the fly on a wall in a situation, when would that be and who’d be there?

Ashley Latter (26:27.386)
Interesting when you asked this and I was I mean driving around thinking about this quite a bit I think I would have loved to have been a fly in the wall when Alex Ferguson gave his team talk In the 1999 Champions League final against Bayern Munich I think that was or maybe The the celebrations after in the changing room when he gave that speech. I think it was either before or after But I would have loved to have seen one of Flöcky’s speeches and I think that was the ultimate

Andy & Chris (26:51.678)
Yeah. It would be interesting, wouldn’t it? Yeah. For those that don’t know, Manchester United were losing at half time and then went on to win 2-1 with two very late goals. Can I say, even as a gooner, I enjoyed that match. Yeah. Yeah, it was a…

Ashley Latter (26:56.322)
best day ever watching United.

Ashley Latter (27:07.262)
Yeah, it was full time. We scored two in the last three minutes. And I still watch that and I still cry today. So I cried when I was in the stadium and I’m 59 year old guy still crying at that video. It was fantastic.

Andy & Chris (27:11.91)
Yes. Yeah, it was amazing. Yeah, it was.

Andy & Chris (27:17.173)

Andy & Chris (27:23.706)
Brilliant, brilliant. And the follow-up is if you could meet somebody, sit down with them and have a beer or a coffee, who would you like to meet given the chance?

Ashley Latter (27:31.438)
You know, again, it’s easy to say Fergie, but my other hero, and you’ve got to laugh at this, but in 1982 was the first time I saw New Order at the old, very hassy end of night club. And since then, I’ve followed this group all over the UK and I’ve even seen them abroad and Australia and places like that. So I would love to meet and sit down with Bernard Sumner from New Order and have a…

Andy & Chris (27:43.554)

Andy & Chris (27:53.119)

Ashley Latter (28:00.342)
have a coffee and a few beers with him. Yeah.

Andy & Chris (28:02.878)
Well, I think you win the award for we’ve never had we’ve never had the new order come up We’ve had it some great videos didn’t in the tidal really creative. Yeah, very cool. Really really creative really creative ash

Ashley Latter (28:13.278)
Yeah, I’ve seen them 35 times in concert now, so I would love to sit down with Bernard. Yeah, definitely have a, we’d have a good night anyway.

Andy & Chris (28:19.223)

Andy & Chris (28:24.142)
Yeah, definitely. I think you would. Ashley, we’ll let you go. We know that you’ve got a very busy day ahead. We appreciate the time that you’ve made for us. Yeah, thank you. It’s been a whistle-stopped tour, but it’s been brilliant. Thank you for all you’ve shared with us. I’m sure people will take a lot from it. They’ll pick out a couple of little nuggets of how they can adjust what they do. And it may well be that some people will seek you out if they haven’t already and get you to help them. Lovely. Appreciate your time, Ashley. Cheers, Ashley. You know, guide yourself. Cheers. Ta-da.

Ashley Latter (28:34.306)
No, you’re welcome. Thank you for having me.

Ashley Latter (28:46.254)
Thanks a lot for having me. Thank you guys. Cheers.


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