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Don’t Just Hope for The Best…Take Steps to Ensure It


The purchase of a dental practice is, for many, one of, if not the, biggest decision of their careers. In other aspects of our lives, decisions of arguably lesser consequence are often well researched with expert advice often called upon; from test driving a car to trying on clothes in a shop’s fitting room and … Continue reading “Don’t Just Hope for The Best…Take Steps to Ensure It”

Champions of the first-time buyer!


Buying a dental practice is a big financial decision so getting the right financial advice is crucial from the very start.  We recently spoke to David Brewer, managing director of FTA Finance, to find out more about why it’s important you work with an independent broker and how he and the team at FTA Finance … Continue reading “Champions of the first-time buyer!”

Loan approved!


I am approached on a regular basis by potential purchasers, both first time buyers and existing practice owners, who have heard that it is still difficult to secure the necessary funding to purchase a private practice. There really is a sizable difference between market perception and market reality as I recently commented in my Market … Continue reading “Loan approved!”

FT&A Finance opens new office


FT&A Finance, part of the Frank Taylor & Associates group of companies, experts in providing finance and funding solutions for healthcare professionals, is delighted to announce the opening of a new regional office in Manchester to ensure it can offer local, on the ground support to both existing and new clients in more northern parts … Continue reading “FT&A Finance opens new office”

Business Interruption Cover


When the worst thing happens…. Your business has been going well and your turnover has increased, making more profits. What you may not have taken into account is to review your Surgery insurance, in particular the Business Interruption part of the policy. Generally dentists keep renewing the same surgery insurance policy and, if it is … Continue reading “Business Interruption Cover”

From Strength to Strength


FT&A Finance Ltd is delighted to announce the appointment of David Brewer to the role of Managing Director. Already a valuable and key member of the FT&A Finance team, David will continue in his pivotal role in ensuring innovative, flexible and competitive funding solutions are provided to healthcare professionals.  With a wealth of experience and … Continue reading “From Strength to Strength”

Are you a financial orphan?


Did you know about new regulations which came into force from January 2013, called Retail Distribution Review (more commonly known as RDR)?  As a result, financial advisers are no longer able to receive commission on pensions and investments, instead they have to be transparent and discuss and agree their fees with the clients. You may … Continue reading “Are you a financial orphan?”

Give your finances a spring clean


The fiscal year end is rapidly approaching which is an ideal time to take stock of your financial position – in effect you can make a ‘Financial New Year’s resolution’. Here’s a quick guide for undertaking a simple and achievable review, irrespective of your income or outgoings, which could improve your overall financial health and … Continue reading “Give your finances a spring clean”

Auto-enrolment workplace pensions – how it works


The year 2012 saw the biggest reform to the pension market in the UK for a great many years and it affects every single employer – even if you’re a multi-national bank or a small, local dental practice, for instance. The last eight months has seen millions of workers in the UK automatically enrolled into a workplace pension with those … Continue reading “Auto-enrolment workplace pensions – how it works”

FAQ’s – Arranging Finance


Which are the best Banks to approach for a loan to buy a Dental Practice ?    The key is to ensure you are working with a bank which understands the dental sector.   Each Bank will have its own separate credit criteria and guidelines and it is essential to ensure you present your application in … Continue reading “FAQ’s – Arranging Finance”

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